CrossFit Tri-County

Monday, December 31

“Victoria” 5RFT 10 Thrusters (95,65) 14 Box Jumps (24, 20) 12 SDHP (95, 65) 12 Burpees 27 KBS (53, 35)   This Hero WOD was created in dedication and honor of Victoria Soto, a 27 year old first grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Ms. Soto gave her life[…]

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Saturday, December 29

“Candy Land” Teams of 2 complete: 5k Row 25 Box Jumps (24,20) 25 K2E 25 Wall Balls (20,14) 25 Burpees 25 HSPUs 150 DUs *1 partner rows, while the other completes remaining exercises.

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Thursday, December 27

Strength Weighted Dips 2-2-2-2-2 WOD For time: 25 Box Jumps (24,20) 50 DUs 25 KBS (53,35) 50 DUs 25 Cal Row 50 DUs 25 KBS (53,35) 50 DUs Post Score to Comments.

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Wednesday, December 26

Strength Bench Press Build to 1RM   WOD “Belly Buster” AMRAP 20 7 Power Cleans (135,95) 10 T2B 200m Run   To help grow our community, please post your score to our comment section.

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Monday, December 24

“Elf Yourself” teams of two, complete the following for time: 200m relay sprint 50 box jumps (24,20), partner handstand hold 200m run backwards 50 pull-ups, partner squat hold 200m overhead plate carry relay (45,25) 50 KBS (53,35), partner jump rope 200m resistance run with band 50 partner wall balls (20,14)[…]

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Saturday, December 22

“Med Ball Madness” teams of 2 complete: 100 Partner Med Ball Squat Toss (20,14) 600m Run with Med Ball 100 Med Ball Sit-up Toss 400m Run with Med Ball 100 Med Ball Slams 200m Run with Med Ball 100 Air Squats to Med Ball 150m Run with Med Ball toss[…]

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