CrossFit Tri-County


Team Throw Down WODs Announced!

We are looking for volunteers to help us judge heats on Saturday, please make sure you will be available all day.

Judges: We will be having a judges meeting promptly at 7:30am to review the WODs and standards
Athletes: Please arrive no later than 7:45am to check-in. We will have an athlete meeting at 8:00 to review WODs and standards. Heat 1 will begin at 8:30am. Heats will be announced later this week.

You will be doing 3 WODs throughout the day, so be prepared! Bring food, protein, water and whatever you need to get through the day!

WOD 1: Maximus
In 5 minutes, each athlete must establish their 1RM Deadlift
Rest 1 minutes
In 5 minutes, each athlete must establish their 1RM Power Clean

The score is the sum of each athlete’s 1RM Deadlift and Power Clean
WOD 2: Divide & Conquer
400m Team Run
90 Air Squats
150 Abmat Situps
200 Single Unders
150 Box Jumps (20)
90 KBS (35, 26)
400m Team Run

*Each team must complete a 750m Row after the first run is complete, but before the last run is started.
*Once the first athlete finishes the first run, they may begin either rowing or squats.
*Two athletes work at a time.
*The last run must be completed as a team and your time ends when all three athletes cross the finish line.
WOD 3: Floater
60m Team Tire Flip

*This WOD can be completed at any point during the day.

Standards will be reviewed at the athlete’s meeting prior to the start of Heat 1.

DeadliftHips must be fully open at the top. You must wait to drop the weight until your judge tells you that your rep is good.
Power Clean – You must come to a full stand at the top with the bar in rack position. Wait until your judge tells you it’s a good rep before you drop it.
Air Squat – Hips must be below parallel at the bottom and reach full hip extension at the top.
Abmat Situps – Hands must touch the ground behind you and shoulders must touch your knees at the top.
Box Jumps – Hips must reach full extension at the top of the box, no extension on the rebound.
Kettlebell Swings KB must come over the head and ears through at the top. No dropping the KB from the top.

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