Team Throw Down WODs Announced!
We are looking for volunteers to help us judge heats on Saturday, please make sure you will be available all day.
Judges: We will be having a judges meeting promptly at 7:30am to review the WODs and standards
Athletes: Please arrive no later than 7:45am to check-in. We will have an athlete meeting at 8:00 to review WODs and standards. Heat 1 will begin at 8:30am. Heats will be announced later this week.
You will be doing 3 WODs throughout the day, so be prepared! Bring food, protein, water and whatever you need to get through the day!
WOD 1: Maximus
In 5 minutes, each athlete must establish their 1RMÂ Deadlift
Rest 1 minutes
In 5 minutes, each athlete must establish their 1RM Power Clean
The score is the sum of each athlete’s 1RM Deadlift and Power Clean
WOD 2: Divide & Conquer
400m Team Run
90 Air Squats
150 Abmat Situps
200 Single Unders
150 Box Jumps (20)
90 KBS (35, 26)
400m Team Run
*Each team must complete a 750m Row after the first run is complete, but before the last run is started.
*Once the first athlete finishes the first run, they may begin either rowing or squats.
*Two athletes work at a time.
*The last run must be completed as a team and your time ends when all three athletes cross the finish line.
WOD 3: Floater
60m Team Tire Flip
*This WOD can be completed at any point during the day.
Standards will be reviewed at the athlete’s meeting prior to the start of Heat 1.
Deadlift – Hips must be fully open at the top. You must wait to drop the weight until your judge tells you that your rep is good.
Power Clean – You must come to a full stand at the top with the bar in rack position. Wait until your judge tells you it’s a good rep before you drop it.
Air Squat – Hips must be below parallel at the bottom and reach full hip extension at the top.
Abmat Situps – Hands must touch the ground behind you and shoulders must touch your knees at the top.
Box Jumps – Hips must reach full extension at the top of the box, no extension on the rebound.
Kettlebell Swings – KB must come over the head and ears through at the top. No dropping the KB from the top.