CrossFit Tri-County

Friday, August 24

Strength Deadlift 7×2 on the 2 minutes, building. WOD “Nicole” AMRAP 20 400m Run Max Pullups Post Score to Comments Recipe of the Day Ingredients 1 sweet potato, diced 1/2 yellow onion, diced 1 poblano pepper, sliced 1 container of sliced mushrooms (about 6-8 oz) 1/2lb Grass Fed Beef 5[…]

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Thursday, August 23

Endurance “Flight Simulator” 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Unbroken DUs WOD 21-15-9 OHS (95,65) GHD Situps Post Score to Comments   Recipe of the Day Summer Paleo Pasta Salad Ingredients 1/2 spaghetti squash 2 cooked chicken breast, diced 1 12 oz bag frozen green beans, thawed 4 oz pepperoni or cooked bacon if you[…]

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Wednesday, August 22

Strength 3 sets of: 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk WOD 5 sets of: 5 Front Squats 10 Burpees AFAP 15 Chin Ups AFAP Rest 5 Min. Between Sets Post Score to Comments   Recipe of the Day Easy Paleo Bread 2-1/2 cups almond flour 1/2 tsp[…]

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Tuesday, August 21

Strength Power Cleans 2-3 x4 Rest 3 Min. Between Sets WOD AMRAP 20 6 Power Cleans 6 Bench Press 35 DUS Post Score to Comments   Recipe of the Day “Oatmeal” Minus the Oats “Oatmeal” Minus the Oats Ingredients: 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 1-2 tbsp ground flaxseed 1 tsp ground cinnamon[…]

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Monday, August 20

Endurance Run 1 mile for time WOD AMRAP 20 12 Wallballs (20,14) 15 KBS (53,35) 200m Run Post Score to Comments Recipe of the Day Honey Mustard Chicken Nuggets Step 1. The marinade. 1/2 water, 1/4 cup warm honey, 1/4 cup grey poupon mustard, 1 lb chicken. The marinade works[…]

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Saturday, August 18 – GRAND OPENING!

Come stop by our Official Grand Opening Party today, from 9:00am – 5:00pm. We will have food and drinks, meet our coaches, make new friends and learn a little about CrossFit. We will have t-shirt giveaways to those who win their WODs and Grand Opening Savings!   10:00am “Cindy” AMRAP[…]

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Friday, August 17

Endurance 50 Burpees for time WOD Death by 10 Meter Run 10m the first minute, 20m the second minute and 30 the third. Continue as long as you are able to finish the prescribed distance within the minute. Post Score to Comments. Recipe of the Day Paleo Chicken Parm Ingredients[…]

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Thursday, August 16

WOD 3 Rounds NOT for time: 0:60 L-Sits 30 Good Mornings (45,33) 60 Abmat Situps 30 Back Extensions (25,15) Ca$h Out 2 Minutes Max DU Post Score to Comments Midline Midline stabilization is essential for effective functional movement. The midline is the entire spine, and its stability is dependent not[…]

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Wednesday, August 15

Strength TGUs EMOTM for 10 min. do 3 on each side WOD “James Bond” 12-9-6-3 Squat Snatch (95, 65) Ring Dips Post Score to Comments. Recipe of the Day Guacamole Ingredients  3 ripe avocados  1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice  1 teaspoon ground black pepper  1 teaspoon ground fresh garlic  1[…]

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Tuesday, August 14

Skill EMOTM 12 Mins. Pistols WOD 8 sets of: 20 DUs 20 Pushups AFAP 125m Row Rest 2 Mins. Post Score to Comments. Recipe of the Day Paleo Chicken Salad Ingredients: .5 whole cooked chicken (~2lbs) 1 cup grapes, halved ~.5 cup apple, peeled and chopped (optional) .5 cup onion,[…]

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