Tuesday, June 25
Congrats to Lauren & Bill who climbed the rope for the first time in On Ramp! June On Ramp graduates on Thursday!
We will be hosting 31 Heroes at CFTC on August 3 at 9:00am, please register for the event and help raise funds for a great cause! Register by following this link.
31 Heroes was established to honor the 31 Americans killed in action in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011, The 31Heroes Project exists to support the families of all fallen military heroes. Funds raised from the “31 Heroes” WOD are split equally among [their] partnering organizations: Snowball Express, the Travis Manion Foundation‘s Challenge Grants program.
EMOTM 8 Mins Do 1 Hang Clean & Split Jerk, building
400m Run
15 SDHP (115, 75)
15 Wall Balls (20, 14)
15 Abmat Sit-ups