Thursday, 07.03.2014
One of our best transformation stories is Tara Wosny. Her husband, John, dragged her to CFTC unwillingly! She cried her first day of On Ramp, but took to Paleo and CrossFit from then on and has lost 70lbs since joining CFTC and looks incredible! Her and her teenage daughters, Taylor & Ashleigh all share the same clothes, she has done several RX competitions, shows no signs of slowing down and a he does it all with a smile on her face. We are so proud of her commitment and dedication to CFTC and Paleo, Tara is an inspiration to us all!
Front Squats @ 30×1
*second set of 5-4-3 should be heavier than the first.
Deadlifts (225, 155)
Wall Balls (20, 14)
30 DUs
Please post your scores to the comments.