CrossFit Tri-County


Monday, August 26

20130825-220121.jpgDanielle working hard on Saturday

The 7:00am class will only meet on Tuesday and Thursday for this week only.

Labor Day hours: No classes Saturday, 8/31 or Monday, 9/2

The Paleo Challenge will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 3 and will end Thursday, Oct. 31. We will not have an info session as most people cannot make it. I have created a Facebook group for updates and will have rules & point sheet documents at the desk by the end if this week. All measurements and weigh ins will be done next week.

Snatch Balance 2-2-2
OHS 2-2-2-2-2

5 Wall Walks
10 Power Snatch (95, 65)
15 Burpee Chin Ups

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