CrossFit Tri-County

Abby Normandin


  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • CrossFit Kids Head Trainer



Hi there! My name is Abby Normandin and I am ecstatic to join the coaching team at CrossFit Tri-County!

While health and fitness have always been important to me, I never truly committed to an exercise program until I started at CFTC in 2022. At the time, I was looking to workout more routinely. When neighbors of mine recommended CrossFit, I replied that “there was NO way” I would be able to do that!

Little did I know, I would get the routine I was seeking and so much more at CFTC. Our gym provides dynamic, engaging, challenging, community-centered classes that are accessible to anyone. If you’re reading this and wondering whether CrossFit is for you, I promise that it is. CFTC welcomes and changes the lives of people across all ages and fitness backgrounds. That’s why I love it here!

I am passionate about functional fitness that prepares people to not only meet the demands of, but thrive in everyday life. I adore group fitness and the friendships that I have made through CFTC. I believe that movement should be fun and that no one should ever stop trying new things.

Outside of CrossFit, I teach 5th grade, bartend, and tutor on the side. I love to travel, read, cook, spend time outdoors, and try new things. Being with family and friends is most precious to me. I know that focusing on my wellness through CFTC is helping me become the best teacher, friend, daughter, sister, citizen, and coach that I can be.

I can’t wait to see you in a class real soon!

Come as you are,

Coach Abby