CrossFit Tri-County

Caroline Grady


  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer


Hello! I’m Caroline Grady and I am so excited to be part of the CFTC coaching team alongside some amazing coaches. I have been passionate about fitness and exercise since I can remember. I have played sports since I was a kid, playing lacrosse and field hockey throughout high school and picking up rugby when I got to college.

CrossFit had always been intimidating to me, as did rugby, but one day I decided to just go for it and give it a try—what’s the worst that could happen? When I say it was one of the best choices I have made, I mean it. I always went to a regular gym but it never seemd to “do it” for me. I wouldn’t hold myself accountable or push myself to my limits…until I walked through the doors of CFTC. CrossFit is for everyone—any and all skill levels and fitness experiences. My favorite part is that everyone who comes to CFTC develops a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. CFTC will challenge you physically and mentally which will help you to grow as a human inside and outside of the gym. I couldn’t imagine another gym to be part of.

Being an athlete is one awesome part of CrossFit, but being a coach brings it to a whole new level. I love being able to help our athletes move better and feel better because it translates to all aspects of life—something as simple and functional as a squat. My goal is to make our athletes feel excited and willing to learn, make mistakes and get better. It doesn’t happen overnight, so coaching others throughout a journey all starts with a first step.

Outside of CrossFit I am a 6th Grade Science and Social Studies teacher, I play for a women’s rugby team called the Worcester Shamrocks, and love spending time with my friends and family—they’re a huge part in who I am today. Every day I get 1% better working towards my goals, and you will too—what goal can I help YOU reach? Strive for progress, not perfection.

Coach Caroline